
Friday, June 12, 2015

Peat Bog At Benz Pond

We were driving home from our short hike on the Madawaska Pond Trail (see yesterday's post) when I noticed Benz Pond through the trees. I parked on the side of the road (there was no traffic to worry about) and let the dogs out. They ran and I walked the short distance down to the pond:

Besides being a lovely Adirondack pond, Benz Pond offers a very nice floating peat bog. And this one floats in a very real sense. When I stepped onto the sphagnum mat to snap this picture, the whole floating mass bounced, clear out to where Clover was standing:

I saw no Pitcher Plants, Cranberries or Bog Rosemary, but it was scenic, with Azure Mountain in the background:

And there were plenty of Pale Laurels in bloom:

The dogs ran and played. No one fell into the water this time - not even Seamus:

Little Daphne looked dainty and cute as she strolled through the Pale Laurel blossoms:

Seamus was certainly not dainty, but he too looked good with the pink flowers and wild waters behind him:

Fergus, Daphne and Clover ran and played:

And then we all began moving back toward solid land:

The footing here is indeed boggy and my feet got quite wet. The little dogs had no such problem:

Daphne took one last drink of water before we climbed up the bank to our car:

I tried to entice them all to look out the window for a group photo but this was the best I could do - Daphne, Jack and Seamus. Clover and Fergus were occupied with other things at the time. But our hiking had ended for the day and I got back into the car and headed for home:

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