
Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Visit To The Neighbors' Sheep Farm

I stopped by to say hello to my neighbors and, knowing that I like to take pictures for the blog, they invited me out to the pasture to see their sheep:

They raise Katahdin sheep mixes, which are mostly used for meat. They come in a variety of colors:

There had been 44 lambs which survived this spring and were by then happily living outdoors with the flock:

The sheep didn't seem afraid of me but still wanted to keep tightly packed together. There is safety in numbers:

The neighbors and I talked about hay, tractors, predators, dogs and ridding haylofts of wild pigeons:

I walked closer to the flock for a few more photos:

The colored lambs were my favorite:

I don't know much about sheep, but I do know that the golden face and legs are indicative of some Tunis genes in this ewe's background:

Their horse was pleased to have company, even at a distance, and pranced back and forth behind the fence, apparently hoping we'd see him and come visit:

"Sadie the wonder dog" grew weary of our chatting and struck out on her own to interact with the sheep:

She didn't herd them, though I was told she can. Instead, she hung out with them, climbing up on their backs and licking their ears. The sheep seemed happy with that. I guess they know her pretty well:

But I had a lot of work to do, so I thanked my neighbors, bid them farewell and headed home to work on my to-do list for the day:

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