
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Red Polls In May

I've been taking so many photos of the cattle this spring that when it came time for this post, I randomly selected every other photo until I had twelve. I'll keep the other photos for possible use in the future. In this picture, Annie and Rosella lounged together near the mineral feeder:

Big-bellied Jasmine was too lazy to get up and eat her grain, so I carried it over to her. Breakfast in bed, so to speak. I guess it's true that these girls are spoiled:

Gracie and Rosella. It's amazing that Rosella is almost an adult already:

Gracie again:

Scarlett and Violet:

I continued to carry grain out to the cows while they were in the north field - less because they need it and more to keep them tame:

When the Shadbush burst into bloom, I took some photos using them as a backdrop for the Red Polls:

And the chickens always come running when I feed the cattle. They scarf up any dropped bit of grain:

I named Gracie's new heifer calf Gladys, after my mother. She and Annie (named after my aunt) became instant best friends, so much so that I've wondered if Gracie might be letting Annie nurse too. I haven't observed it happening, but I've wondered:

Jasmine had to gobble her grain quickly to keep the vultures - I mean chickens - out of it:

Mealtimes became picture taking times. It gave me something to do while the cows ate:

Annie, Gladys and Gracie, a threesome lately:

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