
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dogs And Cats, Cats And Dogs

The cats and dogs are also happy that warm weather has arrived. Even though the cats stay indoors, they enjoy having the windows open and warm, flower-scented air wafting through the screens. Here, Draco was purring loudly in the living room:

Bramble doesn't purr very loudly, but I've caught him quietly purring to himself as he goes about his business:

Georgette is a playful cat, usually acting coquettish atop her cat tree as I walk by. Yes, she always gets petted:

The dogs all collect together on or near the bed when it's nighttime or nap time. I am retired, so I allow myself naps. Jack was underneath the bed when I took this picture, but usually he's on top of it:

And Jack is beginning to join in the dog piles, at least a little bit. I have trouble getting a photo of him doing so, however, because he usually jumps up and runs to me when I get near with the camera. This collection of pets is Jack, Clover, Snoozey, Bramble and Daphne:

A smaller collection, this one consisting of Bramble, Clover and Rocky:

Rocky, Snoozey and Clover. I am particularly fond of this photo because Snoozey was resting his head on Clover's back and purring his heart out:

Fergus, Clover, Daphne and Seamus:

Fergus, Daphne, Clover, Seamus, Bramble and Draco:

Best buddies, Snoozey and Draco can often be found on this padded kitchen chair:

And our beautiful weather has allowed the dogs to spend lots of time outdoors, which they seem to enjoy. Of course they also enjoy being inside. I guess they're happy about nearly everything. Oh, of only we humans could learn to live with such joy!:

The last picture for today is of the Silly Sisters, Daphne and Clover, on a kitchen floor pillow. They live a charmed life:

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