
Monday, May 18, 2015

Clear Pond In The White Hill Wild Forest - Part 2

The dogs and I were spending a beautiful afternoon at Clear Pond, in the White Hill Wild Forest (see Part 1, posted yesterday). Little Daphne braved the chilly water and splashed around like the silly dog she is, but could not convince Clover or Jack to join her:

Seamus and Fergus walked to the water's edge and looked across the lake:

Fergus got his front feet wet in order to get a drink of water, but that's as far as he would go:

We walked back into the forest and away from Clear Pond in order to find the trail again. Fergus watched me carefully, apparently to be sure I didn't do anything untoward:

We rejoined the trail and hiked briefly, but the lure of the water's edge was too great and, before long, we were headed back to Clear Pond:

We passed by the recently felled pine once again. Jack and Fergus again sniffed around, fascinated with the smell of beavers:

We continued on along the shoreline and then headed back in the general direction of our parked car. You can see here that Clover was still bursting with energy, leaping for joy:

Jack ran back and forth wildly, a streak of orange along the water's edge:

But the time came when we had to walk back up the bank to rejoin the trail:

We followed the trail back toward the car but veered off to visit this old stone foundation. Clover and Daphne ran right inside to investigate:

Just a short distance from the stone foundation was this larger, concrete foundation. It had cracked and moved in many places and what at first appeared to be acorns spilling out of the corner was, after closer inspection, animal poop. From its location, size and shape, I guessed it to be Porcupine poop. I'm happy to report that the dogs didn't run into any Porcupines:

We made it back to the car in fine shape and I snapped one final photo for the hike's finish. Alas, only Seamus and Daphne felt like sticking their heads out the window for the picture. But it had been a fun and scenic afternoon:

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