
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dogs And Cats

Snoozey has been slowing down and showing his age lately. He was adopted as an adult cat in 2004, so he's no spring chicken (or spring cat, as the case may be). But Snoozey is happy and doing just fine, considering his age:

The new dog in the house, Jack, has made himself at home and been completely accepted by all the other dogs and cats. He is, however, quite clingy and forever getting under foot. But I can forgive him for that. He's very sweet:

Clover loves to hang out along the fence line and watch the other dogs bark their fool heads off:

Jack, Fergus and Seamus - three who could fairly be said to "bark their fool heads off:"

Clover and Daphne, the Silly Sisters:

The Silly Sisters again, lounging together in the warm spring sun:

Clover looked slightly guilty and embarrassed, caught as she was in the act of canoodling with a cat (Snoozey):

Dog pile! Fergus, Clover, Seamus and Daphne:

All five dogs in their outdoor run:

Seamus, Fergus, Clover, Daphne and Snoozey:

Clover, Snoozey and Bramble:

Draco too is looking older and a bit frail these days. He was adopted as an adult in 2005, so he's allowed to look old and frail. His favorite sleeping spot is on the chair, beneath the kitchen table:

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