
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dogs And Cats

During our numerous spring snowfalls, I continued to keep the bird feeders filled with seed. Draco thought that was a grand idea because it provided him with his own personal "Cat Television:"

When he finished watching the birds, Draco shared a nap with Daphne on a fleecy bed:

Jack had several relapses in the leg lifting department, so I again began putting PeeWee's old belly bands on him. He didn't like it, but he got the message:

Five dogs and one cat in the farm house kitchen:

In a similar pose to the above picture, here the same five dogs and one cat, but in a different arrangement:

This is Bramble's serious look. He considers himself to be in charge around here:

But Bramble also has a playful side, and one of his favorite games is pushing the water bowls away from the walls, sloshing water everywhere. That's why they are in boot trays:

Three friends - Daphne, Fergus and Clover:

Rocky spends most of his time at the top of the stairs, where the cats have four cat trees plus an entire room devoted to cat beds, food, water and litter boxes (where the dogs can't get at them):

Georgette never goes downstairs. She's happy on her own personal cat tree and curling up inside the cat beds:

Draco goes everywhere, especially wherever I am. He, like Georgette, loves to walk the narrow railing around the stairwell - which makes me nervous:

Jack, Seamus and Fergus posed for this photo on their own. I didn't arrange it:

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