
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Magical Golden Light Of Autumn - Part 2

There was a magical sort of golden glow over the trees one rainy afternoon, and I was taking a driving tour to capture as much of the autumn beauty as I could (see Part 1, yesterday). I turned onto the lane which led into the Fort Jackson State Forest and indeed, the colors were stunning:

Autumn leaves on both sides of the road seemed vibrant, almost as if glowing from within:

And the quiet, dirt lane passed peacefully and quietly between them:

I soon turned around and headed back out to the main road, continuing to enjoy the colors along the way:

When I was on Converse Road once again, I knew the trees would be putting on a show - and I was not disappointed:

This little lane down into the woods looked especially inviting:

And all along Converse Road itself, the colors were vibrant:

This red brick house was so surrounded by golden leaves that it seemed to take on some of their color:

Converse Road is spectacular at this time of year. I took this golden drive last year and plan to do so again next year and every year:

I was retuning home and stopped once more, for another picture of this hay field with the golden trees in the background and the tire tracks across its surface:

I ended my tour at the family farm where I'd begun it. When I arrived home, my own trees were also lit up with a golden glow. Several hours later, I went back outside and everything seemed dull and drab again. This led me to believe that I had experienced an atmospheric phenomenon which enhanced the golden leaf colors - but I prefer to think of it as autumn magic:

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