
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Trip To Fort Jackson State Forest - Part 2

The dogs and I were walking in the Fort Jackson State Forest and enjoying the ever changing forest types. We'd be in hardwoods one minute, then White Pines, then Red Pines:

In many places, the ground was covered with soft, green moss:

I'd intended to walk down to the St. Regis River, but we'd already walked much farther than I thought it should be and there were many more trails than I remembered. I began to be concerned and to pay more attention to landmarks so we could find our way back:

Yet it was a glorious autumn walk and the dogs were happy:

I turned downhill, where I figured we'd find the river:

But the lane just kept going, intersecting with more lanes:

Eventually, I gave up my search for the river and turned around. We began retracing our steps:

This part of the hike was a little less carefree, as I was concentrating on not getting lost:

But we did well, and eventually the dogs erupted with joy when they saw our car parked in the forest. "Look, Dad. Somebody put our car in the forest. Let's go for a ride:"

But I still wanted to see the St. Regis River, so I stopped at the town park on our way home. The scenery there did not disappoint:

We looked up and down the river, then explored a small tributary, following it as far as a waterfall:

We returned to the St. Regis, where Daphne played on the rocks for a bit, and then we headed for home:

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