
Friday, September 19, 2014

Old Fashioned Harvest Days In The Town Of Madrid - Part 3

The miniature horse pulls were what I'd most hoped to see, and they were in full swing when I arrived. Alas, the bleachers were full and it was difficult to find a good spot from which to take photos, but I tried:

These tiny work horses were all energized and anxious to go. And boy oh boy, did they give it all they had!:

The little horses were so anxious to pull that their handlers had difficulty getting them hooked up to the sled with the weight:

I believe I heard the announcer say that the sled was bearing 1800 pounds, a lot for two tiny horses to get moving:

Each team of two got a chance and then the handlers brought out another team to give it a try:

Here's a very brief video of the action:

I left the miniature horse pulls and began walking over to the grainary and corn crib:

The Walker family grainary was moved here and lovingly restored. The sign didn't actually say, but gave the impression that it was built about 1920:

Inside the grainary were wooden bins to store the grain, a fanning mill and other related equipment:

From there I walked to the Maple barn where, I was surprised to learn, the St. Lawrence County Maple Queen which I had met had been replaced by a new Maple Queen:

And just then, the 1932 Worthington Golf Tractor, which I featured in yesterday's post, went driving by. Two older gentlemen were riding it, chatting and enjoying their tour:

There was an entire flatbed filled with miniature farm equipment. A sign said they were all fully operational, half size (I'd have guessed smaller) and built by Garry Wilson of Lunenburg, Ontario:

A horse drawn wagon drove by, but it had no passengers at that time. I supposed it would fill up soon. But I was tired and hungry, so I walked to my car and began the drive home:

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