
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Snow Bowl State Forest - Part 2

We'd investigated the rock wall (see yesterday's post), so began making our way along the trail in the other direction. The path had numerous tiny, red and yellow mushrooms:

And these tiny yellow. fungal fingers. I've searched the internet to identify them and it appears that they are Clavulinopsis fusiformis, commonly known as golden spindles, spindle-shaped yellow coral, or spindle-shaped fairy club:

The trail took us back into the forest:

And around to the rear of the rock wall. I decided not to go up there and look down. I'm too clumsy and so are the dogs:

So we began hiking back toward the car. The dogs were as happy and excited as they were on our trip to the rock wall:

Clover did a bit of extra exploring:

And I came upon this patch of leafy, ferny moss, studded with orange gems of tiny fungi:

The forest smelled of pines, it was sunny and breezy, and all was right with the world:

The ferns and lowbush blueberries beneath the pines looked so inviting that we made a side trip to explore:

Long legged Seamus led the way:

There aren't a lot of blueberries this year, but there were more than enough to provide me with a tasty snack:

But our hike was almost over. We continued on the trail until we reached our parked car, loaded up and headed back to the farm:

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