
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summertime Pets

The kitchen floor pillows have been changing day by day, ever since Bramble began peeing on them. On this day there were several pillows and Clover, Daphne, Snoozey and Fergus enjoyed some nap time together:

But on this day, only two fleecy dog beds were on the floor and Clover, Fergus and Daphne all crowded onto one of them:

Upstairs in the bedroom, PeeWee continued to use his own personal doggy bed - well, almost:

When the summer weather is fine and the Rugosa Roses perfume the air, the dogs enjoy outdoor time:

But when they're indoors, they head straight for whatever floor pillows or dog beds are available:

You may notice that Clover and Snoozey are in almost every photo. That's one cat and one dog who truly believe that they require and deserve some soft comfort:

Seamus and PeeWee enjoyed some warm summer days out by the Mock Orange bush:

Daphne enjoyed it too, but she nestled herself up by some long grass for added comfort:

When it's bedtime, Seamus and his little buddy, PeeWee, share the floor:

Fergus enjoyed some summer sun by the roses. It is truly like the Garden of Eden here on a sunny, breezy, summer day. As you may recall, it's sometimes quite the opposite in the middle of winter:

Not to be left out, Seamus squeezed himself onto a fleece dog bed with little Clover:

And lastly, Draco and Bramble played together at the foot of the stairs:

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