
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summertime Around The Farm

I had just finished doing chores one morning when I saw a bird on a gate post, singing. He stayed there, singing a fancy, flute-like song, so I got out my camera. By then I had seen enough to recognize it as a Bobolink. This was only the second time in my life I've seen a Bobolink, the first time I've heard and recognized its song:

The five baby chicks were growing rapidly and I had to fix them up a bigger brooder after only two weeks. Introducing them to the rest of the flock will be tricky as I don't want them to be attacked, but I'll figure something out:

And speaking of the rest of the flock, they are doing well, ranging far and wide over the property. They travel across the lawns and into the hay field and pasture. In fact, they go everywhere and are especially fond of going inside the barn. All I need to do is leave a door open for a minute:

The old fashioned Peonies have bloomed:

And a yellow Day-Lily appeared in the middle of one clump of Peonies:

And the Mock Orange produced perhaps the most beautiful display of all times:

This variety doesn't have much aroma, but I can't imagine a more beautiful or bountiful blossoming:

The Mock Orange bush has grown to a large size and sits close to the old fashioned rose I saved:

 My "lawn" is filled with wildflowers, so I took a few photos while mowing. This is Hawkweed, species unknown:

 Maiden Pink. It was really prettier than the photo would indicate:

 Least Hop Clover:

White Clover. My camera seldom gets useable pictures of white or yellow flowers, so I was happy when this one turned out. It may be a common flower, but that doesn't mean it isn't something special:

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