
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Black And Long Ponds, Keese Mills - Part 2

We continued northward along the western shore of Black Pond:

There were lots of White Admiral butterflies along the trail:

And Daphne was a very happy girl:

We crossed a series of plank bridges which spanned tributaries. Seamus fell into one of them but was able to get back out without much trouble:

There were enough Balsams to perfume the air along much of the trail:

Newly emerging maple leaves were scarlet, shining in the sun:

Black Pond narrowed at its northern end:

And there were multitudes of Dragonflies and Damselflies of various species. This black and white dragonfly really did have a "smiley face" (click to enlarge for a better look) and was by far the most common species:

Fergus looked entirely noble as he rested along the trail:

Almost to the northern end of Black Pond:

The trail pulled away from the shoreline a bit:

And then we arrived at a fish barrier dam, designed to prevent the spread of invasive species, between Black Pond and Long Pond. Our next stop was Long Pond, but I'll post about that tomorrow:

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