
Friday, April 18, 2014

Snow Almost All Gone, Photos From Around The Farm

The snow began to melt about April 8th and I've been taking pictures right along. I first noticed bare ground beneath the fruit trees:

And then the front yard cleared of snow and all around the bird feeders:

Indoors, the dogs continued living their life of ease. The forests have stayed pretty snowy, but I knew it wouldn't be long before we could get outside and do a little walking:

Seamus continued to be a wonderfully soft and friendly doggy bed:

And the floor pillows in the kitchen have continued to draw a crowd of both dogs and cats:

Daphne chose a single pillow for her comfort, perhaps knowing she wouldn't have to share one of that size:

Seamus usually seemed happy enough to stretch out on the hard, bare floor. But then he carries his own padding with him wherever he goes - both wool and fat:

The dog yard had to be cleaned up of an entire winter's accumulation of poop. I won't give you the gruesome details, but it wasn't pretty:

The Red Poll girls began to explore the south field, wandering farther and farther each day:

They chose this spot by the old raspberry patch as a favorite hangout:

And a favorite place to rest, chew their cuds and enjoy the warm sun:

I was going to type that there had been no greening of the grass by mid-April, but there it is, just beyond the fence post in this photo. Spring has arrived and we are all mighty happy about it:

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