
Friday, March 28, 2014

Snowy, Rural Beauty On County Route 56 - Part 1

Yes, I know it is March 28, but our winter has lingered, with snow and frigid temperatures. Nonetheless, I headed out, one recent sunny day, for a driving tour of County Route 56, which runs from Hopkinton to Parishville:

Beginning in Hopkinton, I passed a big mill of some kind with loud machines running and giant stacks of big logs out back:

I had the impression that they were processing firewood, but perhaps they were cutting lumber (though I saw neither) - or was it something else? I didn't stop to ask because they looked too busy:

But they sure had lots of big logs stacked up, big enough to have been saw logs for lumber:

I proceeded on County Route 56, passing attractive rural homes. This home had a "For Sale" sign out front, but I checked for a listing when I got home and found none:

An attractive, small country home whose owners care for the wild birds:

A small herd of Holstein steers:

A farm home with lots of additions, attached in the New England manner:

This home had one of the biggest, most useful porches I'd ever seen:

And they sure had lots of nice, rural scenery to see from that porch:

And most everywhere was backed up by woodland:

This handsome old barn and silo, with surrounding corn stubble, was surely a scene out of our rural past. But there was a lot more to see on this road and I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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