
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Random Shots From Around The Farm

I've felt rather housebound this winter, though I've had lots of canine friends to keep me company:

They all get along quite well. In this case, Madeline jumped down off the bed to rest near PeeWee:

The cows haven't had it so easy, at least in the temperature department. They've had to endure all manner of cold, snow, wind and ice:

They seem to enjoy the snow, though they do seek to get out of cold winds:

They love their grain and they love their hay:

And in the wintertime, they often come for a meal looking as if they've been "sugar-frosted:"

Even in the worst snowstorms, the dogs go outside - but they don't stay long, so they seem to look forward to it:

And I've decided that "Windswept Farm" was the ideal name for this place. The winds are often fierce. In this case, the high winds were causing the snow in the north field to rise up and whip around:

I put down bedding hay for the cows every morning from up in the hay loft. But the hay up there is ancient, dusty, disgusting and often moldy. They cows aren't supposed to eat it, but they often do. The quality of that hay has deteriorated as I began to reach the end of it and I'm happy to report that the girls do seem to have enough sense to not eat the very worst of it:

Indoors, the pooches have had it easy - just one nap after another:

Here's the crew waiting for me at the top of the stairs. You don't see PeeWee because I have to carry him. So I had PeeWee in my left arm and my camera in my right hand:

And speaking of PeeWee, he sleeps most of every day, waking up only to poop or pee - or, of course, to eat dinner. For dinnertime, he even treats me to a happy little dance:

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