
Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Big Ice Storm - Part 2

The ice storm had lasted for several days and left much misery in its wake. Tens of thousands were without power in very cold weather. I was spared the loss of power, so I suppose it was easier for me to appreciate the beauty of the ice covered trees and fields:

My bird feeder became even more popular than it already was. I caught this Chickadee hiding in the Lilac, waiting for me to leave so it could return to the feeder:

The cows, normally locked outside during the day, got to lounge indoors on hay. They were very happy about that:

Those weeds tall enough to poke up through the deep snow, seemed to be coated with crystal:

White twigs arched gracefully with their icy coats, while my electric fence signs still hung on the non-functioning fence (turned off until better weather):

There's normally a three foot drop beneath this door, but the snow piled up until it became difficult to open:

The Box Elder in the cow pasture fanned its icy branches to the sky:

It was a peaceful winter scene:

I could see the neighbors' two horses across the road. They didn't seem worried:

My neighbors were burning wood for heat, but their wood furnace required electricity, so they were just as dependent on power as I was:

But the storm was over, and we had all survived. Chores would be more difficult for a long time, but winter wouldn't last forever, and I found it an occasion for gratitude:

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