
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Part 2, Potsdam Museum Toy Exhibit

I was really enjoying my tour of the Potsdam, New York Museum's toy exhibit and many toys reminded me of my childhood. Worse, some toys reminded me of eras in which I was already an adult. Oh, to think that I have reached an age where my childhood toys are museum artifacts! For instance, my sister and I used to have this "Barrel Of Monkeys" toy:

Metal doll house furniture:

More metal toys and a doll:

And View-Masters. I still have one in my closet, and I think it's even older than these as it takes a straight picture card, not a round one. And of course they still sell Etch-A-Sketch. At least I think they do:

Easter bunnies and toy kitchen appliances:

Space toys, including both Star Wars and The Return Of The Jedi. These were from my children's era:

This roller coaster must have been from about the 1950s as I think I remember either having one or at least seeing one:

The Seven Dwarfs. I still remember the special occasion when our mother took us to see Walt Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" at a downtown theater:

Baseball and race cars:

And Popeye. Who could forget Popeye?:

A collection of cuddly bears on a Victorian settee:

A Schoenhut toy piano. The Albert Schoenhut toy company manufactured toy pianos from 1872 to 1912:

This was during the Christmas season and the stockings were, indeed, hung by the chimney with care:

Space toys, including the Jetsons:

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, heroes from my childhood. But I wasn't done yet. I'll post Part 3 tomorrow:

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