
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Random Shots From Around The Farm

The chickens do not like the snow. There are no seeds to peck and walking is difficult. So I leave them indoors on most winter days. If we have a nice day, I let them out but their disappointment at seeing the snowy landscape is quite apparent:

Much of the snow had melted on this day, so the hens found some seeds below the bird feeder:

This is a typical bedroom scene, with all the dogs showing except for Daphne. She was there, but hidden behind the rumpled bedding:

There. I made the bed and now you can see Daphne:

Downstairs, the kitchen floor pillows are still the most popular spot in the house:

Here are five animals sharing the floor pillows:

One morning, this little bantam hen was in a next box with her first egg. She didn't mind at all when I reached in to take it:

It was surprisingly big for a first egg from a bantam hen. The egg size will increase as they age. I didn't get any more eggs for a few days so I ate this one all by itself. It was delicious.

Three of the cattle have been doing quite well at going to their stall, eating from their bowl and letting me chain them. Sometimes, however, there's a bit of melee as several cows crowd into one stall and fight over the grain. I guess I've got more training to do yet - or are they training me?:

When the three tamer cows are chained and eating, I pet them and rub their necks and foreheads. They don't seem to mind, but Number 32, my big teddy bear, actually seems to relish the attention:

I got the barn rewired and had new outlets and switches put in. But I'd turn off the lights and then find them back on the next time I looked. I was worried there might be an electrical short until I discovered that the cows were flipping the light switch with their tongues. I put a Tupperware container over the switch but they quickly learned how to get around that also. I guess they don't like sleeping in the dark. The fish net, by the way, is for scooping hay out of their stock tank:

And one last floor pillow photo - happy dogs and cats, living the good life:


  1. Hope you and all your furry and feathered friends have a wonderful Christmas! :-)

    1. Thank you, Carole. And a wonderful and happy Christmas to you as well.


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