
Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Wintry Winter's Morning, Part 2

I'd taken care of both the chickens and the cattle, and was driving the tractor around the south hay field, admiring the wintry beauty of it all. The woods on the south fence line looked like an old black and white photograph:

The heavy vines had been made even heavier by the addition of all that wet snow. It was a beautiful sight:

I drove back toward the house and barn:

And then I left the field, scraped some snow out of the driveway and headed down the dirt road. The cattle were out, examining the old hay and manure pile which I'd cleaned off the barn floor that morning. They had good hay, both inside and outside the barn, but they wanted to be sure that this old, dirty, yucky hay wasn't something better which they'd missed:

I turned back around and returned to the barn:

The Elderberries were creating a wintry bouquet from inside the ring of an old silo base:

I walked over to the yellow apple tree on the north side of the house and found the remaining apples turning reddish brown and displaying their icy caps quite nicely:

The White Cedar tree was all frosty and, I thought, looked very much like Christmas:

Even the wild brambles looked festive:

But I'd spent quite a long time doing chores and taking pictures, so I put the tractor away, closed up the barn and returned to the house which, if I may say so, looked mighty friendly and inviting:

But before I settled in and got comfortable, I let the dogs out to play in the snow. Even old PeeWee danced around and had fun. Everything was beautiful and it had been a good morning:

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