
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Hamlet Of North Lawrence, New York - Part 3

North Lawrence may have been only a hamlet, but it had more houses than I had expected, plus stores, churches and one large factory. I continued on my driving tour:

This picturesque church looked as if it had a bell to ring on Sunday mornings. Do any churches do that anymore? It would be a warm and fuzzy bit of nostalgia for me but an irritation for those trying to sleep in on Sunday morning:

This lovely old home seemed to represent the best of small town life - giant old Maples and a generous, comfortable porch:

Another older home which I suspected had once been a farm home:

This home didn't have a big enough porch for an old fashioned swing, but they solved the problem with a covered swing on their lawn:

A big porch and a field stone facade:

A screened porch and an old barn, now become a double garage:

I suspected that this addition had once been a front porch. I liked the flag against the clear, blue sky:

Another flag, another enclosed porch with a nicely landscaped front yard:

Yet another flag, several porches, a carriage house and the Catholic Church in the background:

A more modern house with flowers and neatly trimmed bushes:

This enclosed porch displayed what looked to be an Amish man's hat. And I liked the blue Adirondack chairs surrounded by pumpkins:

A red house beneath red leaves:

And the last photo of my driving tour was this mobile home to which a peaked roof had been added. This is snow country and a sloped roof is a good thing to have. But my driving tour was over, so I put away the camera and focused my attention on getting home:

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