
Sunday, October 6, 2013

County Route 49, Winthrop New York - Part 1

First, before we begin - Please notice the new "Click Here For Farm Website" button. It will take you (in the same window, so you should wait until you're done with today's post) to the brand new Windswept Farm Red Poll Cattle website. So what if I don't actually have the cattle yet? So what if the pictures, though mine, were taken on other people's farms? Hey, a guy's got to start somewhere.

St. Lawrence County Route 49 is a long and busy road as country roads go, but there is a short section which runs parallel to the state highway which only locals generally use. I decided it would be a great place for a driving tour:

Located on the St. Regis River, this house had great collections of all kinds of things and, apparently, even more stuff behind those fences made of old roofing:

There were many mobile homes, inspiring me to think they were probably the sons and daughters of the prior generation's farmers:

I noticed that nearly everything had sloped roofs. This is, after all, big snow country:

This attractive home showed evidence of the previous night's big rains (see yesterday's post):

This big, modern house sat far off the road:

I couldn't tell if this barn was brand new or an older barn which had been extensively renovated. I liked it a lot:

This classic farm house sat up on a rise where it had some views:

Another mobile home to which a sloped roof had been added:

And another trailer, this one nearly hidden behind a row of Eastern White Cedars:

The seemingly ever present St. Regis River made an appearance as it turned away from the road and off into the forest. But there was still more to see on this short section of County Route 49 and I'll post Part 2 tomorrow:

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