
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Chapter 4 - Wolf Lake State Park

My sister, my five dogs and I had hiked to Moon Lake, then to Wolf Lake, and back again to Moon Lake. From Moon Lake, we then continued on toward Huckleberry Lake. Daphne and Clover wondered why I was so slow, but by this time my injured ankles had become quite sore:

We arrived at the Huckleberry Lake lean-to (notice the campfire ring) and took our third rest there to enjoy the wild sights, sounds and aromas:

Huckleberry Lake is much larger than the other two, a very long, narrow body of water - a thing of great beauty:

The trail took us away from the lean-to and up atop a rocky ridge which formed the eastern border of the lake. It was a fine place for wondrous views and it was fairly easy walking, too - at least as long as you didn't trip and fall down its steep sides:

The long ridge walk offered magnificent views over its entire length. By this time, the dogs too had slowed down and were staying close to us:

Huckleberry Lake, a photographer's dream:

More Huckleberry Lake scenery:

One wouldn't want to walk this trail dizzy or drunk:

That high ridge may have had a sobering drop off, but it certainly offered up magnificent scenery:

The trail then pulled away from the lake and back into the Adirondack forest where we passed beneath some very old, large growth White Pines:

We continued on past more beaver ponds:

And on into the forest, eventually reaching the trail head. You can see Fergus' muddy feet here from wading through the edges of the beaver ponds. We were tired and hungry, so we stopped and bought pizza to eat on our way home. It had been a great day. The next morning, my sister left for home:

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