
Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Glories Of Summer In Farm Country, Part 2

Yesterday I presented Part 1 of a summer afternoon drive along rural roads where I marveled at the pastoral beauty all around me. I'll begin Part 2 with a neighbor's geese who honked loudly and waddled quickly away when I aimed a camera at them:

Daphne seemed fascinated by the corn fields passing by her window:

And this is the scene which originally inspired me to drive home and get my camera: A hillside, covered with Black-Eyed Susans and Wild Thyme, with a red barn in the background:

A barn surrounded by clucking hens, with a statue of a cow out front and an enormous Great Pyrenees inside:

I passed by woodlands, both hardwood and conifer:

And several women sat and chatted on the porch near anAmerican flag. The rose bush was in full bloom and the trees provided lots of afternoon shade:

And old home with what appeared to be a modern barn:

A field of soggy ground with fences running through it. I don't know how or why they erected those fences, but they did make an attractive scene:

Wildflowers, barbed wire fence and forest:

A brick home, shaded by giant trees with roses in bloom:

And an unexplained farm lane leading into the woods which caused my mind to imagine all kinds of possible destinations:

And the last photo of my journey was of my neighbors' cows. They were very interested to see what I was doing. I don't know if that's because they know me (they do) or because they're interested in all human activity:


  1. Hello,

    I follow your blog regularly. Congratulations on your retirement and your beautiful farm.

    I am intriqued by the size of Seamus. What breed or combination of breeds is he?

    1. Seamus is a purebred standard Poodle although I never registered him. He's a giant, though, and so were his parents. I've heard that some people call the really big ones Royals. I'm sorry to say that he's also kind of fat.

  2. It's great that your experience of enjoying summer time on the farm with them. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge about holidays.


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