
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dogs And Cats On The Farm

The dogs and cats have all settled in and made themselves at home in the farm house. I recently had my camera in hand when I saw this welcoming committee of Papillons at the top of my stairs:

But the kitchen floor pillows are still the favorite spot in the house. In this photo, Bramble, Daphne, Clover and Snoozey lounged together:

And this is my "bottom of the stairs welcoming committee:"

The dogs are happy in their fenced yard, especially while I'm working outside where they can watch me:

Again on the floor pillows: Daphne, Clover, Bramble and Fergus:

Dogs and rose hips. I plan to try harvesting the rose hips this year though I don't yet know what I'll do with them:

Daphne and Clover, AKA "The Silly Sisters," on floor pillows:

And Madeline joined the group for this photo:

Georgette usually stays upstairs but has been coming downstairs more frequently lately, presumably to socialize:

Seamus and Fergus kept each other company as a little patch of sunlight illuminated Seamus' head:

Another outdoors photo of the dogs on their ramp. They really love their ramp:

And lastly, Seamus and Madeline together. Madeline seems especially fond of Seamus. He's kind hearted and doesn't move too rapidly - and that's just fine with Madeline:


  1. So adorable! Those pictures put a big smile on my face today :)


    1. And a new dog will be introduced in a couple of days.


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