
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Flowers Around The Farm

This has been my first full time summer at the farm. I've learned that there is much more work to be done than I'd ever imagined, but also that the beauty of summertime is infinitely more lovely. These Iris began their display very early in the summer:

And not too long after the Iris, these pink Columbines, no doubt ancestors of the former owner's plants, emerged:

And this, my one and only Bleeding Heart, had been one of the first to bloom. It continued blooming through mid-summer:

The wild Blue-Eyed Grass added color everywhere it could grow without being mowed. It's always been a favorite of mine, reminding me of my childhood. I still remember my mother looking it up in a Golden Book Guide To Wildflowers and teaching us about it:

And one of the most spectacular of all, the Mock Orange. Did you notice the Canadian Swallowtail sipping nectar in the center of the photo?:

Here's a close-up ob both the Swallowtail and the Mock Orange blossoms:

And this Rugosa Rose, mowed over for many years and overpowered by a large maple tree, has now bloomed profusely, filling the entire yard with a sweet, old-fashioned aroma. That white flower behind it was the first Peony of the summer to bloom. There were many, many more to follow:

Here's a close-up of some Rugosa Rose buds, just about to pop:

And the trees: My several Mountain Ash bloomed this year for the first time:

Everything was filled with old fashioned aromas and beauty:

And out in the hay fields were Buttercups and Ragged Robins:

Cow Vetch and Buttercups and Fragrant Bedstraw abounded. Two brothers, who farm together nearby, will be cutting and baling my hay this year. They'll split it with me and agreed to wait until July to mow in order to save the nesting birds. I'm pretty sure I saw an Eastern Meadowlark in the north hay field. Of course the incredible amount of rain we've had all through June and into early July has prevented haying until this week anyway. As of today, my fields are still uncut:

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