
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Tour Inside The Farm House - Downstairs

Now that everything is unpacked and organized, I thought it was time for a tour inside the farm house. Let's begin with the "Dog Food Corner" in the kitchen. There are two permanent water bowls and three food bowls, put out twice daily. The aluminum flashing on the corners is to prevent any more cat scratching damage and the row of dog beds to the left is one you've seen often because it is such a favorite:

Looking from the kitchen dog beds toward the main door:

And the business end of the kitchen, with sink, cupboards and appliances. The laundry room and door to the cellar are off to the left:

The kitchen work space. The needlepoint was made by my sister many years ago:

Looking from the kitchen through the hall, past the front door toward the living room:

One corner of the living room:

More of the living room:

My little office and computer space:

Another corner of the living room. The wooden mask came from a trip to Mexico, the drum and drumsticks I made myself. The old barn board with horseshoe, etc. was made by mother from artifacts of the ruins of the old family farm in Mount Vernon, Oregon. I found the cow skull in a cow "grave yard" in Hoosick, New York. It had no horns, so I glued some on:

The living room as seen from the front door:

I have two glass fronted shelf units filled with memories. This one has gifts from my sister, memories from both my parents and old stuffed animals full of history which I found in old, abandoned houses and fields. It also contains my childhood Pinewood Derby entry and trophy, vases, animal salt and pepper shakers and lots more. In the center of the top shelf is a double candlestick in the form of a Scottish bear sliding on ice, a favorite possession of my father's. I guess I'd qualify less as a pack rat and more as a sentimental, soft touch:

The other glass fronted shelf unit has a photo of my sister and me as children, my father's old brass canon once used at ceremonies of the Cleveland Armory and a moose candelabra. There's an ivory carving and patriotic dog stature from my father's apartment and lots of memories from family, friends and travels:

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