
Monday, June 24, 2013

At The Foot Of Gore Mountain

I drove out of Riparius (see previous posts), continuing on Route 8 and then turning northwest on Route 28. When I arrived at the Adirondack Town of North Creek (home of the Gore Mountain ski resort), I stopped at the town park:

The signs called this the Jacques Grumblatt Memorial Beach. I'd stopped here once before last year and discovered the amazing Orange Peel Fungus. I hoped I'd find it again, but the dogs needed a rest stop in any case:

I drove past the beach, past the pavilion and back to the forested area. That's where I'd found the Orange Peel Fungus last year and it was an ideal spot for the dogs to do their running:

There was no fungus to be found, but I did note that the wild strawberries were blooming:

Madeline got "stuck" on a smell near the car and then couldn't figure out where we'd gone to. I gave her a holler and she then came running:

These pretty flowers were everywhere and I snapped a photo to identify later. Alas, the details of the flower were insufficient and I couldn't tell which leaves belonged to which plant. So I'll just caption this, "Oh, look at the pretty white flowers:"

Life is grand when you can run full speed through the wild strawberries:

It was a lovely day for happy dogs to explore:

We turned and began heading back to the car:

But when we got there, I decided to continue on to the earthen dam and see the water:

It was an altogether wonderful sight as Clover walked near the water's edge with mountain peaks in the background:

I loaded the dogs back into the car and we drove out of the park, passing this trail head on the way. The lettering was falling off and I couldn't tell which hike it was. I've since searched the internet and decided that it was the Schaefer trail, which is 4.8 miles long and leads to the summit of Gore Mountain. But we were on our way to the farm and I pulled back onto the highway to continue the journey:

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