
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Part 2, A Frontier Town Adventure

The dogs and I were exploring the old village in the forest at the abandoned Frontier Town. The three adventurous Papillons led the charge:

Madeline has given up life as a city dog to run and play in the forest. She sure enjoys it:

The village seemed to me to have deteriorated noticeably just since last autumn. Furthermore, the property is for sale and I suppose it will be posted against trespassing. Add to that my soon to be accomplished permanent move to the farm, and I expected this might be our last visit to Frontier Town - or at least one of the last. So I wanted to record as much of it as I could for history:

We walked along the sandy lanes, looking into all the old, abandoned cabins:

And the dogs ran and played. Well, old Wally didn't play, but he was having a great time:

We headed off toward a corner of the property away from the cabins:

And there was the old pen where Frontier Town's two black bears used to be kept:

We found more log buildings:

And then we returned to the village. Wally was having a grand time in the warmth of the sun but he was both old and blind, so I had to watch him carefully and call to him frequently:

We headed to the center of the village, which must once have been the town square. The log church was directly ahead:

We approached the old church:

And then went inside. The old plank floors and log pulpit remained. But we weren't done exploring yet. I'll post more tomorrow:

1 comment:

  1. I,love this place,I would like to know if there is anyway I could get,info on purchasing,for my forever home , thank,you God Bless


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