
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Bloomingdale Bog Trail, Part 2

We arrived at a small bridge over a boggy creek. I believe I read somewhere that this was Twobridge Creek, but now can't find the reference. We crossed over, but I decided that we should then turn around and return to the car:

The creek ran through flat lands, but there were mountains on the horizon:

 Madeline sniffed around, hoping to find something interesting. As for me, I decided that this was Bloomingdale Bog spread out before me:

And then we began our return trip:

We passed back through the forest:

And little Clover stopped to watch me:

Seamus lumbered joyfully along. He's the size of a small pony and has such thick fur that he loves these winter hikes. He never gets cold, though he does sometimes have trouble with snow packing up his paws:

Someone had lost a mitten and the finder had propped it on a stick. It was a sort of happy, goofy spot of color along the way, and anyone with a cold hand could take it and use it:

We'd traveled farther than I'd realized. Such easy, level walking is wonderful for covering a lot of ground:

I stopped to snap another photo and little Madeline sat down and watched me intently. She seems to find me fascinating:

We returned to the car and everyone jumped up inside. Wally and Winky were snoozing and didn't miss us at all:

I pulled away from the trail head, but instead of driving back toward the highway the way we cane, I turned toward the little hamlet of Bloomingdale. But I'll post about that tomorrow:

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