
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Route 458 On The High Northern Plateau

My weekend at the farm was over all too soon and I loaded all the dogs back into the car for the drive back home. The return trip began on Route 458 which passes through the magnificent Santa Clara Tract of forest:

There were about four logging operations along the road, with this one being the largest header I've ever seen:

Here's a closer look. That's a lot of wood, but it seemed too small for lumber. I guessed that it was pulpwood, most likely headed to a pulp mill somewhere in the area:

And back in the trees was this cluster of tiny, old cabins. They may have been hunting cabins or perhaps a logging camp many years ago:

Route 458 stretched out along the high Adirondack northern plateau, with mountains rising up on every horizon:

There was what I believed to be a road maintenance garage:

And wetlands alongside the road with snow covered mountains in the background:

Someone's camp or home, set back in the trees:

This old bridge always fascinates me when I see it. I suspect it was once a part of the road which has now been replaced by Route 458. Perhaps now it is used by the Adirondack Park Agency or maybe it is a private lane used by landowners. Either way, it's a beautiful sight:

Clover watched out the window as we passed a creek, bubbling its way through the snowy highlands:

It sure looked cold out there!:

The road crossed the St. Regis River which has several branches and seems to be everywhere. But it's wild and beautiful. And right about there we encountered the small town of Santa Clara, New York. But I'll post about that tomorrow:

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