
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Discovering The Rutland Nature Trail - Part 2

We'd hiked as far as the bridge over Allen Creek and a little bit beyond. But then we turned around and crossed the bridge again, headed back toward the car:

The cold and snow was beginning to bother the dogs' feet. Poor Madeline dropped down in the snow and tried to chew the ice out from between the pads on her paws:

All the dogs were beginning to be bothered by the cold snow, but that didn't stop them from having a grand time:

And I was happy too:

We continued on our way with Fergus far ahead. That small dot which you can see on the trail up past the Beech leaves is Fergus:

Clover's paws began to bother her, but she remained standing while she attempted to clean them:

Madeline appeared to be asking Seamus for a ride the rest of the way. I'm sure he would have obliged if he knew how:

And then, O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! We saw our little red car parked up ahead:  

See, Dad? We weren't really cold. Our feet didn't really bother us. We could have gone farther. Let's do it again:

We had just a short hike from there to the car, but I had to remember that this section had very slippery ice hidden beneath the snow:

And with great joy we returned to the car. We hadn't gone far, and the scenery wasn't great, but another attempt in warmer weather might be worth a try:

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