
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Discoveries Along Allen Falls Road

I turned onto Allen Falls Road to get to my next destination, the small settlement of Sinclair Corner. Along the way I passed over this massive pipeline, perhaps 6' in diameter. Since I'd seen them elsewhere, I felt quite sure that this was part of  Brookfield Hydro Power, utilizing the waters of the St. Regis River to produce electricity (note - I'd originally said it was the Raquette River, but a commenter corrected me):

I passed by this barn/garage/storage building:

And some nice rural homes:

Most all the homes were set far back off the road:

I stopped at "Ball Park North" for a photo but subsequent Google searches have not given me any idea what it was:

Ball Park North may have been a summer camp of some type as it had lots of log cabins clustered together beneath the trees:

This modular home was very far off the road:

And this home was quite close to the road:

There was a nice home surrounded by maples:

And what apparently was a second floor home atop a double garage:

An old barn with a dog out front who was determined to get to me. I snapped this photo quickly and drove away before he could get anywhere near me:

There were big old maples in abundance and I was almost to Sinclair Corner, about which I'll post tomorrow:


  1. Actually, this hydroelectric installation is on the West Branch of the St. Regis River. There is a bridge on the Allen Falls Road that crosses the West Branch of the St. Regis River. From that bridge, there is a short walk downstream to Allen Falls, which would be a nice walk for your wonderful dog pack.

    1. Thank you. I'll update this blog post and try to find the falls, perhaps even today since I'm driving up this morning.


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