
Monday, March 18, 2013

A Hometown To Love: Madrid, New York - Part 3

I was making a driving tour of Madrid, New York which I'd been told was one of the most picturesque towns anywhere. I hadn't been disappointed:

The Madrid Fire Department:

And the Public Library. The steep front steps had not been shoveled and I noticed that people now used the first floor entrance in the rear, which was also adjacent to the parking lot:

I began driving back out of town, still snapping pictures:

This magnificent stone home was right at the edge of the town center. Beyond here, the houses were more spread out:

I passed by this lovely and well kept home which still had Christmas decorations up. They looked perfect with the snow cover:

A pastel green home of simpler design:

And a very old home whose original trim had been saved and maintained:

I began seeing more barns behind homes as we traveled farther out of town:

Another stone house, this one with two green chimneys:

And a big picture window with an enclosed porch:

I made a mental note that the pink house was the last photo of my Madrid tour, that any photos after that would be of some other location. Indeed, this nice home with its distinctive color was a fitting end to my driving tour of Madrid, New York:

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