
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Grantville, New York - Part 2

I was taking a tour of some local hamlets within the town of Norfolk on a snowy, winter's day and was in the hamlet of Grantville (Part 1 in yesterday's post). This home was notable for the obviously deep snow, the antique truck and the basketball hoop. I imagined a happy, active family lived there:

A rather modern house without much adornment:

A smaller home with a large front porch:

And a bigger, fancier home with a spectacular raised deck and swimming pool:

An old farm house with some of the original brick showing from beneath the stucco and big icicles hanging from the eaves:

A sky blue home with a screened pavilion:

Lots of bushes for windbreaks and to add beauty:

Another ladder leaning up against the roof. I was seeing this rather often. Perhaps it was there to facilitate raking snow off the roof, perhaps for cleaning the chimney:

An added room up high for long range views:

And a cluster of buildings back behind a fence and sheltered by trees:

 A small, pastel green home behind the big snow banks:

And lastly, a garage sitting out in a field all by itself. I could only guess that the accompanying house had long ago burned to the ground. But I was on my way to Massena to shop, so I put down my camera and continued on:

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