
Friday, January 11, 2013

In The Farm House

After the tractor was delivered, I moved my frozen body inside the warm farm house. I have quickly learned that white tile inside the door through which seven dogs and one person tromp in and out in mud and snow was - well, perhaps not the wisest color choice. That's why the mop is parked there. The boards on the beam were to keep the tenants' cats from using it as a scratching post. Since I have five felines, it seemed wise to leave the boards in place:

Madeline, Winky, Seamus and Daphne parked themselves by the door from the kitchen to the outside. Notice that smart little Daphne positioned herself directly on a heat register:

Wally made himself comfy:

I put the dog food out so they could all have dinner, but none of the dogs were yet hungry:

I began carrying things upstairs and getting arranged. The old cabinet stood waiting for me in the living room. I'd purchased corner braces and paint for it, but was dreading getting started:

I began putting up curtains. The kitchen took three, but I'd only put one up (on the right) when this photo was taken:

Eventually it was time for bed and I was exhausted. The five bed dogs got themselves soft spots on the bed and Winky and Seamus stayed on the floor:

It's a soft life they have:

We got up early the next morning and came downstairs. The dogs got fed once again and Madeline lounged on a floor pillow like a pampered show dog:

In fact, they all made themselves right at home:

I turned the old cabinet on end, braced its corners and began painting:

I put baby gates at the foot of the stairs to the bedrooms and in the window closest to the driveway. Seamus paws at that window when I leave - and I was about to leave. Once all the dogs were comfortable, I went outside to run some errands:

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