
Monday, January 28, 2013

Another Journey, Another Stop At Frontier Town

Once again it was Sunday morning and I was on the way to the farm with all the dogs and a lot of boxes in the back of the car. We reached Exit 29 and stopped, as we often do, at the old, abandoned Frontier Town. Alas, there was by then so much unplowed snow that I couldn't get out of the parking lot - and even that was dicey. So I let the dogs out right there:

Clover ran full speed while Madeline gave everything a thorough sniffing:

Even the two old-timers, blind Wally and deaf Winky, seemed to be having fun:

Madeline went exploring, quitting only after the snow became too deep for her to go any farther:

There was almost no traffic on the road and we were far enough off of it anyway, so I didn't worry as the dogs sniffed, explored and played:

The three Papillons went running off as a group:

And then the other dogs had to find out what was the big attraction (I'm guessing it was nothing):

A bit more sniffing, a bit more pooping and peeing. Even here in the parking lot the scenery was superb:

The three "Silly Sisters" seemed to enjoy each others company:

That building in the background is a place we have not yet explored. I plan to do so when the snow has melted:

I called the dogs back to the car:

And loaded them all back in. I counted noses several times to assure myself I hadn't forgotten anyone, and we continued on our way to the farm. Rest stops are hard to come by when there's lots of snow on the ground. That makes the trips shorter, but less fun:

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