
Monday, December 3, 2012

Russell, New York - Part 1

We were on our way to go hiking, the five youngest dogs and I, and had just passed through the rural town of Pierrepont. It was still very early in the morning, so when we entered the town of Russell, I decided to take some more photos:

Russell had a sort of town center, though not a very big one. It had a tiny park with a gazebo, a couple of churches and an old steel bridge over the Grasse River:

But what I enjoyed most was viewing the farm homes and hunting camps along the rural roads:

Picturesque farms under a big sky:

Comfortable, friendly living:

This place confused me and I wasn't sure if it was a home or not - and if so, if it was occupied:

An old farm home being painted and a well kept barn out back:

A tall, traditional church steeple:

A satellite dish for TV reception and apple trees for autumn harvest:

Set among farm fields and forests:

An enclosed porch on an addition to a very old farm house:

A town-type house up on a hill with autumn decorations. Russell was just a small town, but I took more photos and will present them tomorrow:

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