
Sunday, November 11, 2012

The High Peaks Dressed In Autumn Splendor

I'd been so enthralled by the spectacular autumn colors along the Port Kent Hopkinton Turnpike that I'd spent several hours traveling less than 50 miles. I determined to cease my picture taking and just drive. So I turned south onto Route 3 and drove into the town of Saranac Lake. But when I passed by lovely Lake Flower - well, you know I had to stop for at least one photo. By the way, I noticed that the bakery across from Lake Flower is called the Lake Flour Cakery:

And from there I headed southeast through the High Peaks Region:

Bigger mountains sidled right up alongside the road, all cloaked in autumn finery:

The road dropped sharply down into the Keene Valley:

And there were more scenic wonders to be viewed in the Keene Valley:

These two small mountains kept watch over Marcy Field:

As Route 73 would through the Giant Mountain region, the colors intensified:

And the dogs kept watch whenever I got out of the car to snap a photo:

I saw this woman alongside the road, apparently a professional photographer, and I knew at once that her choice of scenery was perfect. I had to drive on ahead and find a place to turn around, but that's just what I did:

Because I knew that she was standing at the top of the Ausable River gorge, with a roaring water flume down below and autumn finery adorning the banks:

The Ausable River is a picturesque mountain stream which flows along Route 73 and provides such visual delights as these:

But I was almost to the Northway and knew that I'd then put my camera away and focus on my driving. But I had three sleeping elves beside me and wanted to preserve that sweet moment in a photo before I got onto the highway:

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