
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lively Hike In The South Hay Field

I'd driven up to the farm with the dogs on a Sunday. On Monday morning, the weather forecast made it clear that rain would prevent any sort of hiking. I tried driving to the Wilder Homestead (see yesterday's post), but that was a bust. But when, in the afternoon, the rain stopped briefly, I called to the five younger dogs and began a hike across my own south hay field. A happy, bouncing Seamus led the way as we passed the barn:

And the three little Papillons bounced through the tall grass with great joy:

I got Madeline to sit briefly so that I could photograph her next to a lovely New England Aster:

When we arrived at the row of hay bales, I lifted all three of the "Silly Sisters" up onto a bale and they seemed to find it great fun:

And then we set out across the field, headed for the trees on the other side. Fergus' ears flopped as he leaped happily through the grass. This was sure better than sitting around indoors!:

The dogs stayed pretty much together in a group and were very good about following my lead:

We got to the trees but kept inside the field. We walked along the tree line which bordered the south hay field, Fergus leaping and his ears flapping:

Autumn colors here were much less bright than in the Adirondacks, yet still it was lovely:

When we'd reached the far end of the field, we turned and headed back toward the farm house and barn:

Fergus was happy, happy, happy:

I stopped when we again reached the hay bales:

I felt like a neglectful parent for lifting the Papillons up onto a bale but not Fergus, so up he went. He, however, wasn't at all sure he liked the experience. But it did provide a nice picture of the barn and farm house. As for Seamus, I would have needed a crane to lift him up there:

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