
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


All of my dogs and cats seem to get along famously. Well, there are two cats who are an exception, but I'll not go into that tangled relationship now. But I've been accumulating photos of my happy herd of critters and thought I'd collect them into one blog post, beginning with this snapshot of happy dogs at work. Clover is using Seamus as a doggy bed and Fergus is using him as a pillow. Madeline, who is new, has joined the family and been fully welcomed. Daphne and Wally are old timers and fit right in:

This is the photo which provided the inspiration for this post. Rocky and Bramble atop the water heater, happy as, cats:

More happy canoodling at work:

Best buddies always:

Snoozey and Wally shared a doggy bed:

This scene caught me by surprise when even crabby old Winky got into "togetherness" mode:

At work again, little Clover fell completely asleep atop her ultra soft living pillow:


  1. Bill,

    I discovered your blog this summer. Since then, It has provided me with a daily dose of nature's wonder and your happy dog family. As a dog mom of many dogs over the years, I've always believed the more dogs and cats... the better my world!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share a glimpse into your world. I feel as though I know your family personally! And I truly love the "dogs at work" pics. Please keep them coming. Your blog is wonderful reminder that blessings come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes, they're waiting for us just down the road.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I do indeed appreciate my animals as family. They are good companions.


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