
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Autumn Drive Through The High Peaks Region - Part 2

I was on my way up to the farm with my carload of dogs. We'd passed through the Giant Mountain section and began to drop down into the Keene Valley. But of course I had to stop and snap a picture of this waterfall:

I stepped over the guard rail to take a picture of the dogs, but quickly discovered that the drop-off was precipitous and potentially quite dangerous. I snapped this one shot which also included the rocky cliff on the opposite side of the road:

We were surrounded by late autumn Adirondack loveliness and I was taking the time to appreciate it:

We passed once again by the Ausable River. That pile of small stones in the center of it was, I believe, deposited by the floods of Hurricane Irene. But it sure looked peaceful and friendly on that day:

Another waterfall right next to the road:

And another view of the Ausable River:

The Keene Valley is surrounded by mountains and they were quite spectacular on that day:

These peaks were lit up by the sun and looked almost as if they were glowing from within. The wispy clouds added to the effect:

Another mountain beside the road and more autumn color:

Some of the really high peaks were barely visible from Marcy Field. The highest places were shrouded in cloud cover:

It was a rainy day but the sun peaked through here and there to light up bits of mountainsides:

And this scene was - well, you can see for yourself. But I was remembering the indescribably brilliant fall colors from two weeks previous and decided to drive that same route to see if they remained. I'll post about our journey on the Port Kent Road tomorrow:

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