
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Part 2, Copper Rock Falls

The Grasse River at Copper Rock Falls was a magnificent sight, perhaps all the more so because the water level was not high, thus exposing lots of rocks. And the beginning autumn leaf colors added to the beauty:

Fergus and Seamus had the sense to stay out of the rushing waters, but did go in whenever they found a still, shallow part:

Hi, Dad. Ya wanna come in the water with me?:

We continued moving upstream alongside the roaring river:

And explored some of the Adirondack forest which surrounded us:

A quiet side channel:

Two very happy Papillons went exploring:

I saw more exposed, flat rocks jutting out into the Grasse River and began walking toward them:

This was wild and beautiful country, a remote place of natural splendor. The only catch was my fall the previous day at the Ausable River which was fresh on my mind. I had been made fully aware of how quickly disaster could strike and how I had no one to help should I take a tumble. So I enjoyed the spectacular scenery but walked cautiously. Little Daphne, however, knew no such fears and trotted wherever she wanted:

I walked out onto the flat rocks and snapped a photo of this lovely stretch of the Grasse River just upstream from Copper Rock Falls:

And the two "Silly Sisters" raced each other across the rocks. Notice the copper colored splotches which gave the falls their name:

We began hiking back toward our car which was parked along Tooley Pond Road:

The trail was short and we arrived at the car fairly quickly. But I had one more nearby hike in mind. I'll post about that tomorrow:


  1. Now you've got -me- worried about your safety, lol... But seriously... I presume you have a phone, but then you probably don't have a signal most places you hike? When my dad was single he liked to bike ride all over the place and I worried I'd have a hard time finding him if he ever went missing so I made him write on a chalkboard at his house the vicinity of where he was going before he left each time so at least I'd have an idea where to look God forbid anythinghappened. Is it feasible for you to leave a note in your apt or home saying where you went so a friend or relative would know where to look for you if you got hurt? The adirondacks are a big place my friend... :-/. I hope you can think of something...

    1. Thanks, Carole. I do bring a cell phone with me whenever I hike and so far have found a signal. The day of my spill on the Ausable River rocks, however, was not a hike but just a quick rest stop and I didn't have my phone with me. I've now decided to carry it for rest stops also.


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