
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Basford Falls, Part 1

I'd hiked the eight consecutive waterfalls along the Grasse River back in March - except that I'd missed both the first and the last. Well, this was the day I would remedy that omission. I drove to the tiny hamlet of Degrasse and turned onto Tooley Pond Road. At the 1.5 mile mark I found this small sign and two steel posts. It's no wonder I missed Basford Falls the first time:

I parked and let the dogs out. Tooley Pond Road is so very remote that I had no fear of traffic. We entered the forest and began following the unmarked trail towards the Grasse River:

It was an altogether pleasant experience, and I walked with my four very happy dogs through emerald woods, not yet showing any signs of autumn:

I heard the roar of the falls first and then just ahead and down a hill, I could see the river:

The dogs broke into a run and headed right for the water:

There was a cleft in the rocky shoreline where water drained from the forest and, just beyond that, the beautiful Grasse River:

The water was not so high as it was in the springtime, and I was less nervous. So the dogs ran freely across the rocks, exploring every inch of this magnificent scene:

You probably didn't see her in this photo, but if you'll look to the bottom right of the picture, you'll see Clover sniffing at something. This will give you a better idea of the grand scale of things:

From above, Basford Falls looked more like a rapids. From below, I could see that it was a real waterfall:

My two Papillons, who I often refer to as the "Silly Sisters," frolicked and had lots of fun:

And ran full speed through the forest and along the riverbank:

I confess that I got a little nervous when they were near the roaring water, but I'm getting a little more used to it now. This was a lovely site and I was glad I'd come back to experience it. But I'll post more about our walk to Basford Falls tomorrow:

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