
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mountain View, New York - Part 1

It had been an active Monday morning. I'd hiked in to Debar Pond, taken a driving tour of Owls Head, New York and hiked to High Falls on the Big Salmon River. I considered another possible short hike but decided it was too late. Instead, I drove through the tiny community of Mountain View on my way home:

Mountain View actually seems to have fewer mountain views than Owls Head, except perhaps along the shores of its two lakes. What it does offer is spectacular Adirondack forests and lots of rural scenery:

Most of the houses sit along the lake shore and simultaneously give the impression of summer homes and year 'round residences. I suppose there are probably some of both:

They had a picturesque white church:

And lovely homes set back in the trees with large porches for sitting on summer afternoons:

And a wonderful lake shore with a public boat launch:

And there certainly were some nice mountain views on Mountain View Lake. Wouldn't you just love to spend a summer afternoon on that wrap-around balcony?:

The homes were, by and large, quite nice:

And many of the homes which were not right on the lake shore were set up on a hill so they still had nice views:

And what a wonderful summertime view these people had:

This older building was set right on the water's edge and I wondered if it had originally been a barn, a garage, a general store or a boat house. My guess would be that it was a boat house - and probably still is:

This was the Adirondacks at its best. I'll post more photos of Mountain View, New York tomorrow:

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