
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Part 3, Another Exciting Frontier Town Adventure

The dogs and I had climbed the rickety steps up into the old gristmill at the abandoned Frontier Town and were investigating the interior. There must have been a lot of activity in its day, but it was difficult for me to know what everything was for:

We exited the gristmill and walked down a dirt lane past other old buildings. The little Papillons danced across this decrepit old bridge but I refused to try it and wouldn't let tubby Seamus attempt it either:

We found a covered bridge, still in great shape, spanning an old canal which had gone dry:

And then we ambled back toward the rodeo arena where the mountains and clouds framed a beautiful picture of Adirondack loveliness:

And then I saw yet another mystery building:

Inside were horse stalls and a hay loft:

And a feed bin:

We returned to our parked car where old Wally and Winky slept comfortably, shaded and kept cool by the spreading branches of a White Pine. I suspected they hadn't even noticed we'd been gone:

But it was starting to get hot and everyone needed a cooling drink, so I drove the dogs to the spot on the Schroon River with the sandy beaches:

All the dogs got a cooling drink. Seamus and Fergus went right into the water and Daphne got her tootsies wet:

Even the two old timers, Wally and Winky, got a good drink of water:

And to my delight, Wally waded right in and laid himself down in the shallow water, cooling off his belly and feeling quite good about the world in general. Seamus grinned happily from farther out in the water. But we were supposed to be on our way up to the farm and this had been a very long rest stop. So I loaded the dogs back up into the car and continued our journey toward the farm:

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