
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chapter 1 - Frontier Town And The Schroon River

I left for another visit to the farm early on a Sunday morning. I planned to quickly go visit the Hopkinton town museum when I got there as it is only open three hours per week, two months per year - and this was my chance! But when I got to Exit 29 of the Northway, I had a carload of dogs who needed a break. I needed a break too, so I pulled into the old Frontier Town parking lot, through the gate and all the way down the dirt lane to its very end. I suspected that I'd find another access there to the Schroon River:

The dogs and I trotted through the meadows of wildflowers headed for the place I thought I'd find the river:

Crabby little old Winky was even having a good time:

The deer flies were scarce, the sun was shining, the wildflowers were blooming and mountains framed the picture as we strolled along:

And then we found it, the Schroon River. But it was lined with very steep banks which only the agile Papillons could navigate. So we all began walking back toward the car:

We passed an old building surrounded by fence posts and I walked over to investigate:

Besides the broken old chair, all I saw was hay. Apparently, this had been a horse barn:

So I drove back into the woods to the site of the old "town" whose buildings I'd so far seen only from the outside. I went inside many of them, but most of the pictures were too dark to be usable. This, apparently, was a fort:

This seemed to have been a "house," perhaps a demonstration of how the pioneers had lived:

There was still an old log bed frame inside:

We entered yet another cabin:

And found lots of junk and an old table. The former "street" was becoming overgrown, but I kept walking and checking out the buildings as I came to them. And I was just getting started. I'll post more tomorrow:

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