
Monday, July 9, 2012

Nicholville, New York - Part 1

The dogs and I were on our way back to the farm house after hiking Quebec Brook on Monday morning when I decided that it was time for a photo tour of Nicholville, New York, one of the closest towns to my place. In fact, Google Maps insists that's where my farm is located in spite of my many attempts to explain to them that is not its mailing address. Suffice it to say that Nicholville is a nearby hamlet:

The Twin Pines Quik Stop seems to be a popular place although I prefer another convenience store in Hopkinton, just down the road. This is at the junction of State Routes 11B and 458, and the sign designating the boundary to the Adirondack Park is almost directly across the street from the Twin Pines Quik Stop:

There's a round house with stone foundation:

And nearly all the homes are comfortably nestled beneath large trees of various kinds:

Big old fashioned front porches are the order of the day for much of Nicholville:

And peonies were in bloom in many yards:

Route 11B spans the St. Regis River in Nicholville and is quite high. I parked my car on the shoulder of the road and walked onto the bridge to look down:

There are homes down along the riverside, so I decided to go down there and take a look:

The homes down under the bridge were varied. This one looked woodsy with its Adirondack siding and pile of firewood:

This home looked abandoned and I wondered if these homes might have flooded last year when Tropical Storm Irene did so very much damage:

This home looked brand new and rather deluxe. It had a brick fireplace for outdoor barbecues:

An older home with old fashioned plantings all around it. These homes were all down below the bridge, on the shores of the St. Regis River:


  1. These homes are in the town of hopkinton nicholville is once u cross the bridge, actually 1/2 cross the bridge there is a plaque You should come back cross the bridge and see Nicholville.

  2. I grew up in St. Regis Falls. Children that lived below that bridge had to walk to the top of the hill to be picked up by the school bus.


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