
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Madawaska Pond, Part 1

I parked at the trail head to Madawaska Pond, let the dogs out and signed the register. There were no other cars or people in sight anywhere. I'd feared an attack by black flies, but I didn't see any of them either so I left my bug spray in the car:

The trail was broad, smooth and level, taking us through a lovely coniferous forest:

And the trees became older and taller as we walked:

In no time at all I caught my first glimpse of Madawaska Pond through the trees:

There was what appeared to be an extensive peat bog covering one whole side of the pond. Mountains watched over us from the horizon:

The "grassy" slope leading down to the pond was largely filled with Reindeer Lichens, Wild Strawberries and Lowbush Blueberries in bloom:

But the trail continued around the edge of Madawaska Pond, so we walked back up to it and continued on our way:

The pond was indeed lovely, peaceful and much larger than it at first appeared, The Shadblow was in bloom that weekend:

There were sunny openings in the forest and I guessed that cabins once stood in those clearings:

And the dogs were happy. For that matter, so was I. I decided that this was one of the most beautiful places in the Adirondacks:

We came upon a beaver canal, which they'd dug to float trees to the pond. The drag marks to the canal were clear to see. The dogs were fascinated and so was I so we walked alongside it toward Madawaska Pond:

Well, actually Seamus walked right through the water. This was a wonderful experience and I was sure glad I'd finally made it. I'll post more tomorrow:

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